In an ideal world, you always perform to the best of your ability with adrenalin supporting and enhancing your performance. But the reality can often be different. Musicians who love music and love the experience of playing and singing, can feel dogged by performance anxiety that is both uncomfortable to deal with and destructive to the performance. There can be many underlying causes but sometimes it’s difficult to know what they are and what to do about them.

This course is an introduction to different ways of managing your performance nerves. Each day touches on a different topic that is relevant to performance anxiety:

  • Day 1: Introduction to performance nerves
  • Day 2: How the Fight-Flight response works
  • Day 3: Ideas on Practice that helps to build up your security on stage
  • Day 4: Introduction to our Inner Critic, a part of you that LOVES to sabotage your best efforts
  • Day 5: Suggestions for managing the performance itself.

Each day has a video, audio, information in written form, an activity to help you build in your learning and a Community Wall to share ideas and comments.

And there is the bonus of some having a taste of the wonderful illustrations by the internationally renowned cartoonist, Mike Pearse created especially for the 5-week course.

Do check out it out. I look forward to seeing you there!

Charlotte Tomlinson

Course Curriculum

  • 1

    Free 5-day Course

    • (1) Welcome!

    • (1) Welcome!

    • (1) Welcome!

    • (2) The Fight-Flight response

    • (2) The Fight-Flight Response

    • (2) The Fight-Flight Response

    • (3) Practice

    • (3) Practice

    • (3) Practice

    • (4) The Inner Critic

    • (4) The Inner Critic

    • (4) The Inner Critic

    • (5) The Performance

    • (5) The Performance

    • (5) The Performance

Charlotte Tomlinson

Charlotte Tomlinson is a Performance Coach who helps musicians realise their full potential. She works very intuitively, supporting musicians in expressing the music in the best way possible, by moving them through their own personal blocks and giving each musician exactly what they need. Her approach has been developed largely from her own experience of teaching and performing as a classical pianist, along with a strong background in personal growth, psychology and trainings in different bodywork techniques

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  • £297.00

    £297.00Inspired Performance

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